Receive a service
City Tour Bus
CustomerPay kidZos to take a tour of KidZania lead by a Bus Guide!
Job Information Center
CustomerWhat job or activity would suit you best? Learn the basic information about available jobs by checking Job Introduction Reports and then get a job diagnosis by using the digital kiosk to narrow down the options according to your personality type!
CustomerOpen a bank account or get a cash card as a Customer! You can also exchange your Traveler's Cheque for kidZos!
Soccer Stadium
Shot CheckWarm-up through exercise and practice, then measure your shooting form and power and get advice from the Coach! Use your results to improve your future practice!
Securities Company
CustomerOpen a securities account and buy stocks using KidZos.
Then, sell the stocks you purchased and receive KidZos in accoradance to the sale price and a transaction statement. -
Car Rental
CustomerChoose your favorite car to rent and drive around the circuit. Don't forget to stop for gas!
Find an Activity
Think about these things to find the activities you want to try!