Call Center

Respond to calls based on the customer's feelings!

Perform Call Center operations over the phone, such as responding to customer inquiries, providing airplane ticket information and taking hamburger orders.
As a Telecommunicator, answer the phone to provide customers with satisfaction and peace of mind.

Duration 30 mins
Suggested Age 5 - 15 years old
Industry Partner's Site (新しいウィンドウで開く)

What You Can Do


During training, learn basic manners for speaking to customers.
During phone calls, an Emotional Barometer that shows the customer's feelings is displayed on the screen.
By observing changes in the customer's feelings, learn communication skills that are sensitive to the feelings of others.
After the phone call, take home an evaluation report that shows your results, such as speaking style and customer satisfaction.

  • Learn polite language.
  • Take phone calls using a headset.
  • Observe changes in the customer's feelings.

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