Communication / Research
Real Estate Company
Real Estate AgentConfirm the customer's lifestyle and conditions, then use a tablet to show the surrounding area, the interior of the property and how it will look with furniture inside. Create a proposal that is perfectly tailored to the customer.
Kitchen Renovation Center
Kitchen PlannerLearn about kitchens in detail and make a renovation plan!
Packaging Lab
Package DesignerLearn about packaging and create a new package for a customer!
Job Information Center
Job ReporterShare important details of jobs that you have experienced to create a Job Introduction Report!
※Job Introduction Reports cannot be made for some Activities. Please ask the staff for details. -
Job Information Center
CustomerWhat job or activity would suit you best? Learn the basic information about available jobs by checking Job Introduction Reports and then get a job diagnosis by using the digital kiosk to narrow down the options according to your personality type!
TV Station
TV CameramanFilm the cast with a real TV Camera!
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